Overview of funding opportunities in the Erasmus+ calls 2022

3 December 2021

To support SGroup members in securing funding to continue implementing innovation and excellence in international projects and mobility, we have prepared an overview of all the funding opportunities available for Higher Education institutions (HEIs) in the Erasmus+ programme for 2022. The overview  can be viewed here.

The new calls for proposals in Erasmus+ are set under the overarching priorities of the European Commission (Green Deal; digital transformation; migration and mobility; sustainable growth and jobs; and peace, security and human development) and in line with the SDGs and Paris Agreement,  being steered towards social inclusion and participation of new actors. 

For the Higher Education sector, Key Action 1 covers mobility projects for higher education (HE) students and staff (supported by internal and external policy funds), the Erasmus accreditation for HE mobility consortia, and Virtual exchanges in the field of higher education and youth.

Key Action 2 includes Partnerships for Cooperation (Cooperation partnerships in Higher Education; and in the field of Education & Training); Partnerships for Excellence (Erasmus+ Teacher Academies; European Universities - Intensification and Development; Erasmus Mundus Action - Joint Masters and Design Measures); Partnerships for Innovation (Alliances for: Education and Enterprises; Sectoral Cooperation); Forward-Looking Projects; and Capacity building in the field of Higher Education (1 - Fostering access to cooperation; 2 - Partnerships for transformation; 3 - Structural reform projects).

Finally, Jean Monnet covers Actions (Chair, Modules and Centres of Excellence) and Networks (on Foreign Policy Issues and on Internal EU Issues).

You can find more about each of these funding opportunities in the SGroup document. Please note that you should always refer to the Erasmus+ Programme 2022 Guide and call for proposals for the full official information. 

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