ICon Grants 2021 - Open Call

17 December 2020

We are proud to announce the open call for the SGroup ICon Grants 2021!

The InterContinental Academic Exchange Programme (ICon) aims at promoting and facilitating collaboration between SGroup members and its overseas partners through a short mobility scheme for academic and administrative staff members.

The ICon partnership for 2021 is composed of the SGroup member universities on the European side and universities of Latin America (members of the Grupo Montevideo Association), China and Africa.

14 grants (6 for Latin America, 6 for China and 2 for Africa), each of €1000, will be awarded to selected candidates for a study visit at partner institutions.

The complete guidelines and documents for applications are now available below.

The  Liaison Officers will be in charge of disseminating this opportunity within their institutions and are expected to provide guidance with regards to meeting the programmes’ criteria.

Only three candidacies per institution (one for Latin America, one for China and one for Africa) will be accepted to be analysed by the Icon Selection Committee.

For further information, please contact the SGroup Projects Manager, Mariana Sousa, at mariana.sousa@sgroup-unis.eu.

ICon_Guidelines for applications_2021.pdf (498.68 KB)Download
ICon_Application form_2021.doc (941 KB)Download
ICon_Template of final report 2021.docx (52.29 KB)Download
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