21 May 2017

The Erasmus+ Survey 2017 is launched! It is an annual review of the Erasmus+ Programme upon the request of the European Commission to evaluate the implementation and to share its results with policy-makers to enhance the application process and the content of the programme. 

This survey is conducted by the CHE Consult in collaboration with the SGroup Network aimed to collect universities' experience from the past round of applications of the Erasmus+ programme: what do you think of Erasmus+? Are you satisfied with its new features? What problems did you encounter? What suggestions for improvement would you make? The survey is available in English, and answering should not take more than 5 to 10 minutes of your time, but it will contribute greatly to improve the programme!

As the SGroup Network whose members active and impactful participants and beneficiaries of the Erasmus+ Programme we would like to mark our presence in the study. 

It is with this goal that I would like to invite all member universities to provide your feedback according to the target groups identified below. Every participant who completes the survey will receive individualised feedback on their own personality traits, such as curiosity, confidence and decisiveness, with their values compared to thousands of individuals across Europe.



The questionnaire is available in English, German and French and it is entirely anonymous, the data analysis is confidential and no individual data will be shared with any third parties. If you received this invitation multiple times, please fill in the questionnaire only once.

Should you have any questions, we will be happy to answer them at (the Study Co-ordinator)


Deadline to reply is 30 June 2017.



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