Think Tank for the Future | Leadership Forum

The main purpose of the Annual SGroup Think Tank for the Future | Leadership Forum is to get leaders - whether they function as members of expert communities or/and have senior leadership status within their respective member institutions - connected with each other discussing and tackling challenges and opportunities in the thematic fields of „Responsible Global HE“ and „The Internationalization of HEIs“. 

It is essential to get leaders more engaged in co-shaping SGroup‘s strategy, setting engaging network SGroup structures and proposing putting thematic and methodological development into practice. It is paramount for SGroup to continuously elaborate and practice innovations in research education development and sustainable partnership research engagement.

The Leadership Forum is SGroup’s executive platform for the exchange of concepts, perspectives and promising practices among GA representatives and educational leaders who are members of expert communities within SGroup and beyond.

It is intended to form a regular series of online engagement formats besides the in-person workshop during the network’s annual meetings where on top of the aforementioned highly relevant themes and topics of global importance will be tackled and discussed.

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