What we do

SGroup - Universities in Europe

SGroup is an international non-profit association under Spanish law for modern and internationally oriented universities with the aim of expanding collaboration opportunities in education and research through the transfer of knowledge and the development of strategic alliances.

  • SGroup Members:
    1. Full Members: 42 universities from 23 European countries;
    2. Associate Members: 6 universities from 6 non-European countries.


What we do





Following the decision taken at the SGroup Executive Committee Meeting held in Rouen, France in October 2013, the Executive Committee launched a special IMPACT Award for the most:



Participative and

ACTive members

in recognition of their efforts at the operational level within the SGroup Network.

Over the years several bottom-up initiatives have been proposed and implemented by individual members. New ideas were formed and shaped into activities and new dynamics have been created to benefit the collaboration between SGroup members.

Therefore, in order to acknowledge the special contribution of one of the most active members, the IMPACT Award is granted on an annual basis according to the following criteria:

  • Active member in the Network;
  • Creation of collaborative relations among the Group and beyond;
  • Designing and implementing joint activities with the participation of several members (LOS, Teaching/Research staff or Students);
  • Developing joint projects involving at least three members of the Network;
  • Encouraging the transfer of know-how, best practices and innovative perspectives among SGroup members;
  • Putting forward bottom-up initiatives and projects to directly benefit the member Institutions;
  • Promoting SGroup activities;
  • Effective Communication with the members.


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