How to join?

How are members chosen?

The Association is composed of member higher education institutions in Europe (full members) and beyond (associate members)

Two types of membership status are available:

  1. Full members: universities from Europe who have meet the membership requirements and have signed the membership contract. Entry to this class of membership is reserved to universities offering the 3 study cycles of HE (BA, MA and PhD) or equivalent degree courses and after endorsement by the Executive Committee and the General Assembly. Full member fee applies.
  2. Associate members: universities from non-European countries. Entry to this class of membership is decided by the Executive Committee and later endorsed by the General Assembly. Representatives from associate members cannot be members of the Executive Committee or vote on proposed decisions during the meetings of the General Assembly. They may, however, participate in the General Assembly and be heard. Associate member fee applies.

Normally, potential members are invited by a membership committee. Any higher education institution in Europe interested in joining the SG, should contact the SG Office. Before any formal application is started the membership committee has a number meetings with the management of the candidate member. 

The membership is decided by the Executive Committee after consulting in writing with all the SG member universities in the same country as the applicant HE. The decision of the Executive Committee must be ratified by the General Assembly.

SGroup - Universities in Europe enables its members:

  • to network for EU-funded projects in education and research;
  • to exchange good practices;
  • to share experiences;
  • to participate in specialised work groups, seminar and training courses;
  • to access first-hand information about educational and research policies in Europe;
  • to promote expertise and to increase visibility of its members;
  • to identify opportunities for academic collaboration
  • to benfit from tools and information provided by SGroup.
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