
Date Time Place Title Expert Speaker
29 April 2024 5 pm CEST Online
What is the Social Mission of Universities and Why is it Important? Coordinators of the SGroup Think Tank for the Social Mission of Universities - Alex Hughes; Adina Fodor; Cecilia Christersson
18 June 2024 2:30pm CEST
Note: this session will be integrated into the Think Tank Academy Spring Conference
University of Lille, France
In person and online
Collaborating and Co-creating with Public and Private Sector Societal Partners Linsey Cole, Director of Business Engagement, University of Westminster
24 October 2024 2:30pm CEST
Note: this session will be integrated into the Think Tank Academy Autumn Conference
Université Paris-Cergy, France
In person and online
Social Mission and Learning in HE for a Learning Society: what does good/innovative practice look like? Speaker: Cecilia Christersson
Moderator: Alex Hughes
Engagements - An SGroup Conversations Series on the Social Mission of Universities
(include country prefix)

29 April 2024 5 pm CEST What is the Social Mission of Universities and Why is it Important?
18 June 2024 2:30pm CEST
Note: this session will be integrated into the Think Tank Academy Spring Conference
Collaborating and Co-creating with Public and Private Sector Societal Partners
24 October 2024 2:30pm CEST
Note: this session will be integrated into the Think Tank Academy Autumn Conference
Social Mission and Learning in HE for a Learning Society: what does good/innovative practice look like?

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