First results of the Internationalisation of Higher Education for Society (IHES) project and conference

7 November 2021

About a year after its launch, the Internationalisation of Higher Education for Society (IHES) Erasmus+ project, in which SGroup is a full member, is proud to present the IHES Mapping report. It contains relevant and concise information to help HEIs and NGOs design successful IHES activities. The document can be consulted here.

Additionally, a virtual conference on IHES will be held on 8 and 9 December 2021. Registration is open here and free of charge.

Exploring the relations between higher education institutions, regional authorities and non-governmental organisations, the project builds on existing studies of the IHES concept and practice, providing an overview of the current status of IHES and inspiring practices. 

The mapping in this report was conducted in early 2021 and comprised three parts: desk research, an HEI mapping survey, and two civil society and regional authority focus groups. A total of 69 activities by 48 HEIs (most of them European) were analysed to identify meaningful patterns in their efforts to bring internationalisation and societal engagement together.

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