ICon Programme - Launch of call for applications Eastern and Latin America Partnership

16 January 2014

The ICon Programme provides for a flexible duration and a broad range of study programmes for students, doctoral candidates, postdocs, and academic exchange opportunities for teaching and academic staff. Candidates for mobility shall seek their own funding sources from institutional, national or international scholarship programmes.

Partner institutions offer study recognition as well as administrative and academic assistance.

The call is now open for mobilities from American and Eastern partner institutions to Europe.  Applications should be submitted until 11th July.

The ICon platform is a state-of-the-art tool for application, selection, and monitoring procedures related to academic mobility. It is also equipped with templates of collaboration and learning agreements necessary to establish working relations between participating institutions.To learn more about the ICon Programme and its Eastern Partnership lot, please visit www.iconmobility.eu 

For questions regarding the programme, please contact SGroup secretariat at icon@sgroup.be.



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