The SGroup IMPACT Award 2021 goes to Agata Mannino, SGroup Liaison Officer since 2015 and Executive Committee member since 2018. At the University of Trieste, she has been responsible, among other things, for the management and coordination of the European Universities Initiative project “Transform 4 Europe – T4E”, funded by the European Commission within the framework of the Erasmus+ programme.
Agata Mannino has consistently tried to involve her institution in SGroup’s initiatives, such as:
projects (i.e. CALOHEE, AMICS, Think Tank for China),
the SGroup Summer School in China;
the hosting of the Annual Meetings in Trieste in 2018.
Within SGroup, she coordinates the Working Group on Communication and PR and oversees the development of a completely new SGroup website (with advanced Intranet functionality) scheduled to be launched in early 2022, in addition to SGroup’s social media policy (Twitter, LinkedIn, Slack, Facebook).