Save the date: Groningen Declaration Network (GDN) annual Meeting moves to October 13-15, 2021

4 December 2020

The GDN Board of Directors notified SGroup about its recent decisions regarding the 2021 Annual Meeting:

The live GDN 2021 Annual Meeting originally scheduled for May 2021 will be postponed. It has been rescheduled to take place on October 13-15, 2021, in Canada. SGroup is a member of GDN.

GDN is planning for an in-person conference, the GDN community’s preferred modality. The planning may, however, still be affected by pandemic-related restrictions (availability of vaccines and travel). Although not GDN’s preference, a virtual conference may still be necessary, even in the autumn of 2021. Regular updates will be provided. This timing change will also affect future GDN Annual Meetings, which will occur in the autumn each year from 2021 onward.

The 2022 Annual Meeting, GDN’s 10th anniversary, will take place in Groningen, the Netherlands, in the autumn of 2022. 

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