SGroup Annual meetings 2021 (2)

4 October 2021

The General Assembly Meeting (including the Internal Business meeting) and the Liaison Officers’ meeting will take place online this year on 27 and 28 October. It will be combined with a separate online Think Tank Academy Conference on 26 October. This year’s main topic for the meetings is ‘Responsible International Higher Education 2021 - transformative modes for sustainable and hybrid engagement’.

The Executive Committee has approved the official programme and it is available here. The meetings are open to all staff of SGroup member institutions and the Internal Business Meeting is open to both the General Assembly Representatives and Liaison Officers, but the latter can only have the status of observer unless they have been assigned the voting rights of the official General Assembly representative. We need a power of attorney letter to prove this and you should indicate that already in the registration form.

Moreover, the Think Tank Academy Conference will be open to academic or administrative staff and students of SGroup’s full and associate members, as well as candidate members, so we welcome you to invite your teams to join by registering here by 20 October. Please find the programme of this event here


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