SGroup is very pleased to announce that the General Assembly approved Stellenbosch University’s application to become our newest associate member through a circular vote by mail. It is our first member from the African continent. Stellenbosch University has already been collaborating with several SGroup members and has bilateral agreements with several of them.
More than 2/3 of our full members voted unanimously by mail to approve the membership from 2021 onwards. Stellenbosch University wishes to complement its global engagement portfolio through the Think Tank activities, especially with respect to the Think Tank for Africa activities and also through the group’s activities related to International Higher Education (IHE).
Stellenbosch University has bilateral agreements with the following members: Ghent University; Tampere University, University of Rouen, University of Bayreuth, University of Trieste, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, University of Gothenburg, University of Kent. Moreover, they are an associated partner/global partner in the European University Alliance – EUTOPIA, in which the University of Gothenburg is a member. For more information about Stellenbosch University, please check their website.