Info Session
An Info Session for students and staff will be held on took place on May 5. You can find the recording here.
Detailed information about the Summer School including content, methodology, learning goals, registration, fee and all practical aspects is available in the Infopack - click here to download it.
Through lectures and in situ visits, participants will gain first-hand experience about Colombian arts in relation to the country’s 20th century history and the signing of the Peace process in 2016, and Spanish language classes according to their level of mastery (no prior level required).
The programme will also include lectures about Social Sciences in Colombia and Latin America; recent Colombian history in the political context of the last decades, and the cultural imagery.
The full programme can be downloaded by clicking here.
Staff and academics participation
Staff, researchers and teachers from all SGroup member and associate member universities are invited to join for a period or the full duration of the summer school. Likewise, contributions and input such as lectures or presentations (in person or remote) are welcome on the following topics/sessions:
- Journalism, storytelling and conflict;
- 2020 National Strike, journalism and arts;
- Social and environmental conflicts in a post-conflict setting;
- The International dimension of the conflict;
- Victims of the conflict and displaced population;
- Public Opinion, Voters' Decision and Peace;
- Media, war and Peace;
- Evolution of the armed conflict and the peace process;
- Social and environmental conflicts in a post-conflict setting;
- Communities, Identity and Education for peace.
Please inform us of your interest or of colleagues/faculty members who would like to provide a contribution via email to joana.freitas@sgroup-unis.eu and n-rubio@uniandes.edu.co