SGroup Think Tank Academy Spring Conference - 13 June - Registrations open!

31 May 2022

SGroup is proud to announce the third edition of SGroup's Think Tank Academy Spring Conference will be held online on Monday, 13 June from 10 to 16 CEST under the topic “Responsible Higher Education for Social Innovation”.

The programme is available here and it includes three panels with experts and the presentation of a new SGroup initiative for PhD students.

We invite the general Higher Education public, including academic, administrative staff and students, the SGroup Community members, experts and partners, and all those interested in the topic to join us. The event is free of charge and registrations are available here until 10 June 2022.

The first panel “Universities’ engagement in green growth: Changes in institutional strategies and management”, hosted by TT4China, will count with presentations by Prof. Markku Sotaraut (Tampere University, Finland) and Prof. Sanfa Can (Tongji Universityi, China).

It will be followed by a panel on “Building resilience in communities: Opportunities for International HE”, organised by TT4Africa, which has Prof. Adélaide Blavier (University of Liège, Belgium) and Prof. Djillali Benouar (USTHB, Algeria).

The following panel, “The Social Mission of Universities: perspectives from Europe and Latin America”, results from a collaboration between TT4Latin America and TT4Social Mission of Universities, which will be officially launched at the conference.


The event will conclude with the presentation of the new initiative of the TT4Doctoral Education, the SGroup PhD Training and Competition.

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