SGroup - UNICA joint webinar on Global Alumni Relations (2)

4 October 2021

To value and share the rich experiences and knowledge on Alumni Relations existing in their networks, SGroup - Universities in Europe and UNICA - Network of Universities from the Capitals of Europe hosted a webinar on 'Global alumni relations and models of alumni services and engagement as a strategic task of HEIs’ on 14 September 2021.

Six speakers from different countries and universities presented short study cases and examples of good practice to 100 participants, showcasing the diverse aspects of alumni engagement and how to improve and innovate in this field. SGroup was represented by Thorsten Parchent (University of Bayreuth), Carole Picavet (Ghent University) and Barbara Costa (University of Porto). At the end of the presentations, the presidents of both networks, Dr Arnim Heinemann and Prof. Luciano Saso, moderated an interesting and active discussion on current challenges and opportunities in alumni relations. 

SGroup is pleased to to have been able top cooperate with UNICA in such a successful and rich event, representing a great start for the 2021/2022 academic year. In case you missed the event, the recording and presentations of the speakers are available here.

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