SGroup Working Groups 2021

7 February 2021

During its 2020 annual General Assembly meeting, SGroup had the opportunity to discuss and establish key priorities for 2021-2026. The Executive Committee established areas of responsibility for each EC member and worked out a concrete Action Plan for 2021, linking the areas of responsibility to the key priorities. 

Moreover, the Executive Committee also set up specific Working Groups/Task Forces with the aim of tackling topics that are considered priorities for this year.

The following Working Groups (WG) and Task Forces (TF) were created for 2021. Most of them are already operational. 

  • WG Social Mission of Universities – work on issues concerning inclusion, equality, diversity and social responsibility in Higher Education; 
  • WG Think Tank Academy (Regional Think Tanks) – contribute to the development of regional collaboration initiatives targeting China, Latin America and Africa;
  • WG Think Tank Academy (Doctoral Education and Research) – implement workshops, trainings, presentations at conferences and other initiatives focused on Doctoral Education and Research among SGroup members;
  • WG Communication and PR – tackle new ways to improve communication with SGroup member universities and external partners. The working group is also working on a new website;
  • WG Projects – write, develop and communicate joint applications for EU-funded projects under the Erasmus+ programme, or internal projects within SGroup;
  • WG on Membership and Partnership Policies and Global Outreach– develop effective membership and partnership strategies in order to increase SGroup’s global engagement;
  • TF on Conferences and publications – define and implement the best strategies to reinforce SGroup's public image through the active participation in international events and renowned publications;
  • TF for Strategic Policy – reflect on SGroup’s identity, profile and services in terms of its members but also with respect to its role in policy shaping and lobbying.
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