The SUCTI Project - Systemic Universities Change Towards Internationalisation, initiated by Marina Casals from the University of Rovira i Virgili, aims to provide training activities and an awareness raising campaign among the administrative staff members on the current trends in the internationalisation process and its importance to all universities in Europe. As a result of promotional and training activities the university staff members can become more competent in intercultural communication, better prepared to work in the multicultural environment, and more committed to the internationalisation process.
The SUCTI project has accomplished its first goal and has set up a group of certified trainers within the SGroup Network who can further promote the concept of internationalisation in their home or partner institutions according to the agreed tools, methods, and standards acquired during the Erasmus Staff Week dedicated to the Train the Trainers in internationalisation policy organised by the University of Rovira i Virgili between 23-27 March 2015.
The project gave the beginning to the SUCTI trainers work group that is committed to explore further the collaboration opportunities and to share practices within the SGroup Network and outside by participating in international fora, conferences and events, thus creating a more significant impact on the internationalisation of individuals, institutions, and the European Higher Education Area as a whole.
As a result of their efforts under the lead of Marina Casals from URV, the SUCTI project was awarded funding from the European Commission, KA2 Strategic Partnerships in 2016. Other partner institutions involved in this initiave are as follows: URV (Co-ordinator), Justus Liebig University of Giessen, University of Porto, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan, EAIE, CHE-Consult, UNESCO Chair for University Managment (UPC), CHEI (Center for Higher Education Internationalisation of Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore) and the SGroup Network as associate partner. More information about the project coming soon.
The SGroup members willing to join the SUCTI Work Group are kindly requested to contact Marina Casals from URV or from the SGroup Network.
We also invite you to read an article from the EAIE Forum Magazine authored by Marina Casals about the SUCTI Project accessible below.