The 2nd edition of the SGroup Think Tank Academy Web Conference took place online on 20-21 May 2021, gathering over 120 high representatives, academics, administrators and students from 50 different institutions in 23 countries to reflect on ‘Responsible International Higher Education 2021 - transformative modes for sustainable and hybrid engagement’.
On the 1st day, the regional Think Tanks – Australia, China, Africa and Latin America – shared their perspectives on the topic and listened to presentations from both SGroup member institutions and UNESCO. In addition, a broader viewpoint was added through the contribution of the key-note speaker Adel El Zaim, Associate Vice-President International from the University of Ottawa and former AIEA president.
The 2nd day started with presentations on ‘Innovative practices in Doctoral Education’, including a presentation of the Innovative Practices in the MSCA doctoral program by a representative of the EC, which was followed by reflections from member institutions. The afternoon workshop was dedicated to ‘The Social Mission of Universities’, where SGroup’s report on Equality, Diversity and Inclusion was presented as well as case studies from SGroup member institutions.
SGroup sends a warm thank you to all the speakers, moderators and participants that contributed to two days of rich and insightful debates, making this another successful event of our network.