TT Academy - Internal Webinar on International HE

30 April 2020

[Update: 27 May 2020. Download the final programme at the bottom]

Registrations are now closed.


The Think Tank Academy webinars are back!

Due to the cancellation of face-to-face activities, in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic, the SGroup Executive Committee is developing a strategic implementation of monthly webinars during 2020. This initiative will work as a preparation for the General Assembly meeting in October, enabling the gathering of different elements until then.


The first internal webinar will happen on Thursday, 28 May, from 3:00 to 5:00 pm CET, targeting academics, students and administrative staff of the SGroup community.


Michael Gaebel, Head of Unit of the European University Association, will open the session with a keynote presentation on International Higher Education – still a global vision?

In addition, SGroup members are invited to share their views through 5-minutes interventions on Digital Internationalisation in teaching and services – how far should we go?

This topic will be divided in two slots:

  • Digital administrative services in HEIs – we invite you to discuss how far should administrative services become digitalized, such as online consulting or online recruitment.
  • Digital teaching and learning – where we would like to hear the vision of academics, students and experts in teaching online;

Finally, during the last 30 minutes, we will conduct a brainstorming session on the next webinars’ topics.


You can find the complete programme in a downloadable document, below.


Furthermore, we regret to inform our members that the Think Tank meeting scheduled to 16-17 June at the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria has been cancelled. Instead, ULPG is organizing a one-day Web Conference under the same topic, Sustainable Internationalization, for 29 June. Save the date and register here!

TT Academy IW -Programme.pdf (547.52 KB)Download
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