
Period: January 2020 to December 2022
Status: Previous projects
Role: Full partner
Type: Erasmus KA1
Category: External
Measuring and Comparing Achievements of Learning Outcomes in Higher Education in Europe - Extension is a KA3 Erasmus+ project.
Five highly sophisticated European Qualifications Reference Frameworks and related Assessment Reference Frameworks covering the popular subject areas Business Administration, Information Engineering /ICT, International Relations, Medicine and Performing and Fine Arts will be the main outcome of this project. They come in addition to the frameworks prepared by the project Measuring and Comparing Achievements of Learning Outcomes in Higher Education in Europe (2016-2018) ( and together will impact a very large segment of higher education studies.
The Frameworks will allow for defining relevant and high quality degree programmes to prepare students best for their societal role, that is for the workplace by bridging the identified ‘skills gap’ and as active citizen. Towards this last purpose, a sophisticated qualifications framework and a related assessment framework will be developed to prepare first and cycle students for civic, social and cultural engagement. These cover five strands: Societies and Cultures: Interculturalism; Processes of information and communication; Processes of governance and decision-making; Ethics, norms, values and professional standards; and Environmental challenges and climate change. These learning outcomes defined in these frameworks deserve to be integrated in all studies, independent of their topic, to respond to the societal challenges of today and tomorrow. The Frameworks will also be instrumental for enhancing the current quality assurance procedures and practices by offering precise indicators prepared by international groups of renowned academics.
This CALOHEE Extension project involves academics from 70 European higher education institutions, student representatives and involves also as (associated) partners, the main European Quality Assurance organisations, European University networks and other key organisations. Their involvement shows strong European wide interest for the CALOHEE initiative.