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New partnership of SGroup with EURAS

8 November 2020

New partnership of SGroup with EURAS

During the General Assembly, SGroup announced a collaboration partnership with the EURAS (Euroasia …

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SGroup’s three new full members: University of Szeged, University of Sarajevo and University of Split

8 November 2020

SGroup’s three new full members: University of Szeged, University of Sarajevo and University of Split

SGroup would like to give a warm welcome to the three newly approved new member institution …

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SGroup elected a new President and two new EC members

8 November 2020

SGroup elected a new President and two new EC members

At the Internal Business Meeting on October, 29, the SGroup member representatives elected Dr Arni …

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SGroup Liaison Officers’ and General Assembly meetings 2020

8 November 2020

SGroup Liaison Officers’ and General Assembly meetings 2020

At this year’s online Liaison Officers’ and General Assembly meetings on 28 and 29 October, 5 …

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University of Valladolid: LISTO PROJECT webinar

2 October 2020

University of Valladolid: LISTO PROJECT webinar

The LISTO Project consortium would like to invite you to participate in their project's Virtua …

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Babes-Bolyai University and Cluj Napoca Town Hall project: SMART InfoBioNano4Health&Innovation

2 October 2020

Babes-Bolyai University and Cluj Napoca Town Hall project: SMART InfoBioNano4Health&Innovation

The project idea entitled SMART InfoBioNano4Health&Innovation, proposed by our member Babes-Bolya …

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Universitat Rovira i Virgili: 76 PhD positions in a Doctoral Fellowship Programme

2 October 2020

Universitat Rovira i Virgili: 76 PhD positions in a Doctoral Fellowship Programme

Universitat Rovira i Virgili is offering 76 PhD positions within the framework of the Martí Franq …

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SUCTIA testimonials

2 October 2020

SUCTIA testimonials

The SUCTIA project, in which the SGroup is a full partner, is looking for academics that ar …

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‘Internationalisation in Higher Education for Society’ Conference, 26-27 November

2 October 2020

‘Internationalisation in Higher Education for Society’ Conference, 26-27 November

Top experts from a wide range of institutions will gather for the Virtual Conference o …

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SGroup 2020 annual meetings: Think Tank, LO and GA meetings

2 October 2020

SGroup 2020 annual meetings: Think Tank, LO and GA meetings

The annual SGroup member meetings will take place online on  27, 28 and 29 October,  as  wa …

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TT Academy Web Meeting 27.10: Beyond Europe - Perspectives on Global Higher Education Developments

2 October 2020

TT Academy Web Meeting 27.10: Beyond Europe - Perspectives on Global Higher Education Developments

As part of our Think Tank Academy series of webinars under the topic “Towards a holistic an …

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TT Academy Webinar Social Responsibility in HE Internationalisation

15 September 2020

TT Academy Webinar Social Responsibility in HE Internationalisation

Within the framework of the SGroup Think Tank Academy webinar series  “Towards a holistic an …

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SGroup 2020 LO Meeting: call open for submission of topics

7 September 2020

SGroup 2020 LO Meeting: call open for submission of topics

As usual we would like to have the active participation of our members, particularly in the Liaiso …

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SGroup 2020 General Assembly Meeting: Elections of new Executive Committee Members and SGroup president

7 September 2020

SGroup 2020 General Assembly Meeting: Elections of new Executive Committee Members and SGroup president

At this year’s General Assembly, there will be elections for SGroup Executive Committee membership …

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University of Split and University of Sarajevo membership applications to be presented at the next GA

7 September 2020

University of Split and University of Sarajevo membership applications to be presented at the next GA

As part of the SGroup’s strategic efforts to expand the network’s outreach in Europe, we are ver …

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Save the date:  TT Academy webinar - 29 September

7 September 2020

Save the date:  TT Academy webinar - 29 September

The next SGroup Think Tank Academy webinar will take place on Tuesday, September 29. This webina …

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SGroup at the Moving Target DAAD Conference - 6 October

7 September 2020

SGroup at the Moving Target DAAD Conference - 6 October

SGroup will be joining the DAAD virtual Conference “Moving target digitalisation: re-thinkin …

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PhD Student scholarships at the University of Cyprus

7 September 2020

PhD Student scholarships at the University of Cyprus

The KIOS Research and Innovation Center of Excellence (KIOS CoE) announces 6 full-time PhD Studen …

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SGroup 2020 annual meetings: LO and GA meeting, TTA webinar

7 September 2020

SGroup 2020 annual meetings: LO and GA meeting, TTA webinar

As has already been announced before, the SGroup annual meetings are scheduled for 28-29 Octobe …

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SGroup TTA, LO and GA meetings 2020

27 August 2020

SGroup TTA, LO and GA meetings 2020

Due to the current COVID-19 crisis, this year's SGroup annual meetings will be held online, durin …

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SGroup TT Academy Webinar: Directing responsible and sustainable global HE development through leading by example

11 August 2020

SGroup TT Academy Webinar: Directing responsible and sustainable global HE development through leading by example

Following the SGroup Think Tank Academy “Towards a holistic and ethical framework for responsibl …

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SGroup Solidary with Beirut

7 August 2020

SGroup Solidary with Beirut

A massive explosion happened in Beirut on Tuesday (August 4), causing immense damage an …

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SGroup 2020 Annual Meetings to go online: President’s message

3 August 2020

SGroup 2020 Annual Meetings to go online: President’s message

As a group we had been planning to hold our LO and GA meetings at the University of Minho on 28t …

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SUCTI train the trainers: 19-23 October 2020, Tarragona

3 August 2020

SUCTI train the trainers: 19-23 October 2020, Tarragona

The next SUCTI train the trainers is going to be held in Tarragona at the URV on October 19-2 …

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European Alliances Initiative: 10 SGroup members selected in the 2nd call

3 August 2020

European Alliances Initiative: 10 SGroup members selected in the 2nd call

Selected from 62 applications, the 24 new European Universities alliances involve 165 highe …

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